The Lord is the Rock

2 min readMar 1, 2022


I] Exodus 17:6 People get water from the rock, their thirst was quenched. Lord does miracle and makes way in the wilderness. Exodus 33:21 Come and stand on the rock that is the place of God. If we get up early up in the morning God fills us with grace. I Corinthians 10:4 the rock is our Lord. Psalms 71:3 there are some place we cannot go. But only one place we can go is Jesus, he will bless us. He is our rock and our fortress.

Jeremiah 16:19 God is our strength, rock and fortress at the time of trouble. We should see our Lord attime of trouble. Seed that has fallen into good soil will grow without proximity. Nahum 1:7 the Lord is good, a strong hold at the time of trouble. At the time of trouble David, he was saved by God. If we are upset we should not forget to pray. If we pray we can overcome upset, and we can get grace in the eyes of God and we will get blessing.

Il] Isaiah 17:10 we should not forget the God of salvation. Hosea 4:6 if we forget him he will also forget us. Numbers 23:22 our enemy is Satan, we should overcome or win against him, because he creates huddles while going to Canaan. That is why, God has given us the power or strength of wild ox. We get this strength when we sit and pray to God, this strength increases it never fades.

III]Psalms 81:16 He satisfies us with the honey of rock. Psalms 91:10 He satisfies us with his words.

IV]Isaiah 26:4 Trust the Lord, for the Lord is everlasting strength. 1 Corinthians 5:1 now we are staying in the place which is man-made, but we are going to stay in a place which is built by Lord our God, heaven. Do not believe what you see. We must believe in the unseen heaven.




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