Jesus is with You!

3 min readJul 14, 2021


God tells us about servants in the Bible. Servants if they come on a young age to work and grow under a master there would be a end of his work years. The servant being married with kids under the master would be free after the years he is obligated to work. After 7 years of work the servant will be sent away. Jesus said if the servant came being a bachelor he would be leaving as a bachelor, But if any man come married with children then send him away the way he came married with children. At the same time if a man came being a bachelor and was married under his master and has children he still would leave as a bachelor. “ Still if the man insist on living with his children and his wife saying Don’t send me away and help me, Gather him with you and he shall stay with his wife and children” was the command given to the Master. If the servant wanted to be with his wife and children after the years of his work he should be taken near a door and his ears should be pierced with a iron. The hole in the ear (ear lobes) would be a symbol that he would be under his master and his wife with his children.

When we look at the bible there is a meaning for every incident mentioned. The God who created the heaven and earth, since he loved us just like the servant even though he would be free but choose not go as he submitted to be with his wife and children. Loving us and the mankind did Lord Jesus Christ came from heaven to the earth. For us to live with him in a everlasting life or to be more specific “Without the heart to separate from You and Me”, He still being the Greatest God come to this world and took birth in this world. He lived as a Human in this world. He was crucified on the cross. Just like the servant was pierced with the iron so was Christ in the cross. He was wounded of a great wound. Approximately more than 5000 wounds were present as per the researchers. He was in thirst.

Every last drop of his blood was flowing on the earth.

The added the crown of thorns in his head and tortured him as much as they could. Do you know the reason for these ? He loved us and was very much will to keep you and me with himself in a eternal life and the price to be paid was the cross. The servant if he wanted to live with his wife and children he must pierce his ears likewise for us to be with God in eternal life Jesus took up the cross. His wounds are a symbol of his love. He coming to this world is a symbol of his love for you. He came for you, died for you and raising up again for you and did all these things so that we could live with him after death. He being God loved us and did this for our sakes.

Dear Brother’s and Sister’s reading this story don’t think saying “There is no one for me, No one to love me” The truth is

“Jesus is with you, Jesus gave up his life for you, Jesus came to this world for you. He still is standing beside you. You are not alone. Jesus is with you.”

Ask Jesus to dwell in your heart. He will come into your heart and bless you and your family with happiness, peace and patience.


God Bless You.

This passage is extracted from Web-series Searching for the Lost S01e53 Hosted by Linotes Yango Watch the Whole Video [In Tamil Language] here




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