Is Hell Real ?

4 min readMay 21, 2021


Praise the Lord. Happy to see all your smiling faces again. Today, let’s answer the Question “Is Hell Real ?”

Jesus once shared a incident in the Bible, the same way he had explained frequently via stories. So the incident goes like this. There once was a Rich and a Poor Man. The Rich man ate well and was well satisfied. The Poor man sat at the door steps of the rich man’s house waiting for at-least some food he may try to get. The rich man was living without a will to give even some food unto the poor man. Once day did both of them die. Here the explanation of afterlife is mentioned by Jesus. What happened was the rich man was in a place such as hell and above it, a peaceful place was where the poor man (whose name is Lazarus) was.

Hungry Lazarus looking at the rich man eating and being in merry

Now in Hell, there was way too much heat. Due to the Unbearable heat the rich man called the person sitting above saying “Abraham, Please give a drop of water from the fingers of Lazarus, Thus is my pain in Hell”. He asked pitifully. Abraham replied “No, for there is a Gap between you and me! I cannot come unto you nor can you come unto me. You lived Happily in the earth. But the place thou were destined to be due to your sins on earth is this. But Lazarus faced many problems in earth thus this is the place which he will get, a place to rest”. Then said the rich man “If it is so, I have 5 brothers if you allow once will I go and tell them” Abraham replied and said “It is not how it works. People who are alive, let them tell it. If your brothers won’t listen to the person who is alive, the dead if you rise the won’t listen to you too” Likewise the truth about hell was explained to us by Jesus Christ.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Hell is real. In Russia on the year 1970 a research was carried out the find the deepest possible hole which can be digged through earth. Approximately 3000+ people were working on the site. While digging as they soon approached 14.4 km while their drilling machine working at it’s fastest speed. Assuming there was a hollow space they stopped the drilling machine and checked the temperature. The temperature was above 2000 degree Celsius. So the researchers in eager to find out what exactly was inside they sent a heat proof microphone inside and tired to listen to the voice. There was tremendous noise. A noise like unto a cry and yell of millions of humans. No sooner did they listen to the noise than did they stop the experiment. They never spoke a word and stopped the experiments. The places has been sealed till now. They have names it “Gate of Hell” or “Hell’s Gate” and is in Siberia. Researcher’s say it surely is the sound of hell.

The photograph of the Hole

Bible clearly mentions the presence of hell. For you and me to escape the hell, Jesus is the way. How could you say there is hell? If Jesus is true so is Hell. For the life of Jesus in earth is there an History. It is not a Fairy Tale. Jesus was born on the Country Israel. Jesus lived is truth, Jesus was alive is the truth, Jesus rising from the grave is truth, whatever Jesus said is the truth. Jesus said there is Hell. Jesus said Hell is a place full of mourning and crying. “To escape from it, the only way is me” said Jesus. There is no other way to get into heaven said Jesus.

Brother’s and Sister’s who are reading this, during this times of pestilence will say I unto you one word, “Change your Mindset”. Submit yourselves unto God. Submit your life unto God. There is a life after Death. You may ask “Who hath seen hell ?” If you look at a goat in the butcher’s shop, it lives carefree by chewing all the leaves he can find. There would be another goat which has been scraped and hanged, but still it does not mind. But when they get hold of the goat’s neck than does it realize that it will be dying soon. So now people who are atheist, people who talk Science say that there is no life after death, We will go with the air likewise do they speak. But on the last moment of death will they realize the value of life. It’s the fear of Death. Bible says to save us from the fear of Death was Jesus Crucified. I could strongly now say this to you as we have been separated from the fear of death. Even if we die, we will go unto Jesus Christ and not to hell. Jesus will accept us into heaven with him is the faith we speak hereby unto you.

Brother’s and Sister’s who are reading this, submit yourselves unto God, Go will give you a everlasting life. He will save you from Hell.


This passage is extracted from Web-series Searching for the Lost S01e47 Hosted by Linotes Yango Watch the Whole Video [In Tamil Language] here




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