Billy Graham meeting God

5 min readSep 8, 2023


and how it changed his life

Billy Graham was a prominent American Christian evangelist who played a significant role in shaping the landscape of modern evangelical Christianity.

Born on November 7, 1918, in Charlotte, North Carolina, Billy Graham grew up on a dairy farm.

He experienced a religious conversion at a revival meeting at the age of 16, which marked the beginning of his lifelong commitment to evangelism.

The blog is based on his autobiography “Just as I am” and the quoted words are from the book itself.

The meeting God part

We all have this deep need in our soul and we have no idea how to express it or satisfy it!

I cared nothing for this world nor anything the world had to offer. I wanted something that the world couldn’t give, and I believed that I would know it when I got it. That was what I was looking for.”

The question which would embark Billy Graham for the spiritual journey which helped him proclaim boldly about his extraordinary God. The noble thought sowed by God who knew us before we were formed in the womb.

God saved me, and my eyes were opened and old things passed away, and all things became new.

Behold through him we are a new creation.

Years later my father recalled a prayer that Vernon Patterson had prayed that day: that out of Charlotte the Lord would raise up someone to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

Parent’s prayer is a powerful intercession to God and It is known to work wonders and stratospheric success in our personal life.

All of this spiritual development was going on quietly in her life for about two years.

I was hearing another voice, as was often said of Dwight L. Moody when he preached: the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Like a seed slowly blooms into a tree, So does the word of God beings to flourish gently in us.

One thing that echoed in my mind was Dr. Ham’s singing, right in the middle of his sermon, “The toils of the road will seem nothing, when I get to the end of the way.”

The hope from heaven which is most commonly hidden on a song lyrics or bible verse.

What was slowly dawning on me during those weeks was the miserable realization that I did not know Jesus Christ for myself. I could not depend on my parents’ faith. Christian influence in the home could have a lasting impact on a child’s life, but faith could not be passed on as an inheritance, like the family silver. It had to be exercised by each individual.

Being born on Christian family doesn’t make you Christian. You have to accept Christ Individually in your own heart for him to acknowledge you as his own.

Nor could I depend on my own resolution to do better. I constantly failed in my efforts at self-improvement. Nobody needed to tell me that.

Apostle Paul failed thrice and the lord said unto him “My Grace is sufficient for thee 2 Corinthians 12:9. It’s not by our might but by his spirit alone.

As a teenager, what I needed to know for certain was that I was right with God. I could not help but admit to myself that I was purposeless and empty-hearted.

A void in each of us which cannot be filled by anything except for God.

In a word, I was spiritually dead.

A state of being with a heart which is unknow or blinded to the works of God or God.

My heart sank when I looked over at the lady standing next to me with tears running down her cheeks. I was not crying. I did not feel any special emotion of any kind just then. Maybe, I thought, I was not supposed to be there. Maybe my good

When people at the end of the sermon were invited to the front to acknowledge and receive Jesus Christ publicly, Billy Graham managed to bring himself forward but yet with a heart frozen as a stone. An unexplainable situation we all might have been through. Frozen as a stone due to Family situation and other circumstance.

God however breaks the stone heart and gives you a new heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26).

intentions to be a real Christian wouldn’t last. Wondering if I was just making a fool of myself, I almost turned around and went back to my seat.

Billy Graham has almost planned to return to his seat. Doubts can block blessings.

For all my previous religious upbringing and church activity, I believe that that was the moment I made my real commitment to Jesus Christ.

The moment when you are personally in touch with Jesus Christ. The dawn of new creation in connection with the God and access to his plans for you.

“Lord, I don’t know what happened to me tonight,” I prayed. “You know. And I thank You for the privilege I’ve had tonight.”

The time when heavens rejoice over you and on earth when you have no words to say, we have no option but to Thank God for the recreation. From now things will be taking a change

Episode’s after conversion

All I knew was that the world looked different the next morning.

There seemed to be a song in my heart, but it was mixed with a kind of pounding fear as to what might happen when I got to class.

The Bible, which had been familiar to me almost since infancy, drew me now to find out what it said besides the verses I had memorized through the years.

The happiness of unraveling Bible secrets

Before my conversion, I tended to be touchy, oversensitive, envious of others, and irritable. Now I deliberately tried to be courteous and kind to everybody around me.

I was experiencing what the Apostle Paul had described: “The old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Mother especially, but other family members too, thought there was a difference.

It was the first public utterance I had given of my faith, but it reinforced my conviction that I would never become a preacher.

Well God too has a majestic plans for us.

If only we could submit ourselves to him, We would find a amazing future he has in his thought for us to live by.




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